He maketh my feet like hinds' feet: and setteth me upon my high places. He teacheth my hands to war; so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath made me great (2 Samuel 22:34-36, King James Version).
We need to realize that there are many sides to our covenant relationship with God.
We are sons/heirs of the Kingdom - As sons, God desires that we walk in good health, in prosperity and comfort.
We are ministers/stewards of God - As ministers, he wants us to be involved with the work of the ministry and serve him faithfully.
We are also soldiers. As soldiers, he wants us to engage the devil, his arch enemy in warfare and to live and enjoy a life of victory. Many people in church are only conscious of their sonship, but to be what God ordained us to be, we must not only live as sons of God, we must also live as ministers and soldiers. I challenge you to start to see yourself as a minister of God as well as a soldier.
A Soldier Is A Fighter Soldiers fight and likewise, we are called to fight. You must learn to fight. There is a time to be calm and gentle but there is also a time to fight. If you don’t know when you need to fight, the enemy will always steal what is yours. We know that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).
We must fight to establish and maintain our covenant place.
We must fight the enemy satan to enthrone God in all sphere of our lives.
We must stand up to him in the area of our health.
Fight to keep what is yours; your marriage, your family, your finances and your career.
We must stand up to the enemy on behalf of our city and our nation.
If you will not fight for what is yours satan will steal it.
The devil can only win when the believer does nothing.
A soldier must have the mindset of a winner.
A soldier is called and trained to do warfare, and not only to do warfare but to also win. The believer is empowered to win; he is more than a conqueror. To win in the battle of life, the right mindset is required. The right mindset is knowing that you are blessed, knowing that your future will be great, knowing that there is nothing that comes your way that God is not aware of and knowing that you can handle everything that comes your way.
A winner mentality is that mindset that does not accept defeat, is never feeling inferior and looks out for a solution or a way out in every situation. You must have a winner mentality when you go through trials, oppositions, hardship or anything of that sort to win. Don’t accept defeat or failure; be bold and determined to win and fight against the darkness like you know you are not only meant to win but that you can win.
To be a winner, you must deal with the 'grasshopper complex'; this is the kind of feeling that Israel had when God was asking them to go and take over the land he had promised them (See Numbers 13:33). A grasshopper complex is the feeling of inferiority, is the feeling of being inadequate, weak and not qualified when faced with a tough situation. You cannot feel and behave that way in the face of the enemy and be a winner.
Not Of Them That Draw Back Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul (Hebrews 10:38-39). The fact is that there is no guarantee in the scriptures that says because we have accepted the Lord Jesus into our lives, all things are now going to work out smoothly for us; the opposite is actually the case. However, no matter what, a good soldier does not retreat; he is trained to fight until he wins or fight to the death.
If you are a believer, you must know that everything you stand for will be attacked, the devil will withstand you whichever way you go. He may attack your marriage and bring you to that place where you no longer feel like it anymore but you cannot quit. He may make things tough and rough for you at your work place, but you don’t have to quit. A good soldier will not draw back on the things he believes are of God. A good soldier puts his hand on the plough and does not look back.
To not draw back means you are not to stop believing, it means to not change your stand and not to give up on what you once held onto as values. Sometimes we all feel like giving up, like not doing something anymore because it seems not to be working. We all sometimes feel like walking away, like cutting off from some people. We sometimes feel like not coming to church, not praying anymore, not giving anymore. We feel like we have done enough.
Everybody feels that way sometimes, but those that will win are the ones who, in the midst of all that feeling, hang in there, believing and waiting for their season. There is a season for you, don’t draw back yet. The devil is working against you right now; he is working against you every day and will try to make things pretty difficult for you. He wants you to be dismayed, discouraged, and ashamed. He wants you to quit fighting and pull back. Don’t draw back.
A Good Soldier Must Endure Hardness Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3). As soldiers, we must be conscious of that fact that challenging times or times of hardness are inevitable; we are all going to have to experience it one way or the other. We are going to experience hardness because that is what soldiers go through. We are soldiers. Soldiers fight wars and we are called to fight. Wartime is hard time, these are hard times. A soldier must endure hard times to engage the war to the finish. Being a Christian puts us in the battle field and against our enemy the devil. The devil is going to stand up to you and seek to defy your freedom in Christ, he will stir the waters, create the storm. And sometimes the heaven over you may look like brass, with things not working out for you but whatever the situation, always encourage yourself to stay strong.
You have more power than you can imagine. Paul says to pray for your eyes of understanding to be enlightened so you can know the extent of his power toward us that believe (See Ephesians 1:15-23). The power that is available to you is the same power that God used in raising Jesus from the dead. There is nothing that you are ever going to go through that God has not made provision of grace for. You can handle everything that comes your way. God always measures every challenge in the light of what you can handle before he allows it come your way. You are able to bear all things and can overcome every trial but it is up to you to be strong in the face of it or become weary and allow it defeat you.
A Soldier Knows That It Is Not On His Charge Who goeth to a warfare any time at his own charges........?” (1 Corinthians 9:7). In the armed forces, everything is always provided and made available for the staff by the government. No country sends out its military to war, asks them to sort out their military gear and is not bothered about the safety of their soldiers. It is the nation’s responsibility to ensure its soldiers are well equipped in their profession and it is also the responsibility of the nation to supply all their necessities and resources. Nobody goes to war on his own account. God works the same way; He will fortify you with His presence and He will not subject you to unnecessary risk and hardship. Know that you are never alone, He will always be by your side, will make sure all things work together for your own good and will meet all of your needs. If you are being a good soldier, you ought not to worry in the face of danger. He is at work in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.
A Soldier Does Not Entangle Himself With Civilian Affairs No soldier when in service gets entangled in the enterprises of [civilian] life; his aim is to satisfy and please the one who enlisted him. (2 Timothy 2:4, AMP). Real soldiers don’t work in the military at day time and do cabling at night time. They don’t keep farms and they don’t have vineyards in their backyards. They are not allowed to do that, their entire life and focus is dedicated to their military service. They are expected to stay focussed and keep to their duty post, to maintain strict military discipline and keep to the rules.
All civilians are concerned about is how to maintain their families, engage their workplace, make money, pay for utility bills and go on holidays during summer time but this is not so for soldiers. To be a good soldier, to be pleasing to God and to be a winner over darkness, you must not get caught up with civilian affairs. Your first passion must be to protect your nation and its interest from any attack. God’s kingdom affairs must be your first priority and you must be willing to lay down your life for that kingdom. Whilst a civilian's main concern is about what gain they can make in life, your first priority should be about what gain you can bring to the Lord and his kingdom.
Civilians are not particularly watchful of their lifestyle, whereas soldiers strive to maintain good health, stay fit and maintain their stamina. They exercise daily to keep fit. You must exercise yourself in the things of the spirit daily to keep spiritually fit. You must develop your gifts, feed on the word daily and learn to spend much time in prayer and fasting and learn to make time to go on a personal retreat to recharge. You cannot afford to be so busy that you forget your spiritual devotion.
You cannot be living in sin, living for what gain you can make in life; how wealthy and great you can become and at the same time be a good kingdom soldier of Christ. You must be kingdom focused, you must be passionate about soul wining and giving financially to advance God’s kingdom. If Satan can get you earth bound, materialistic and carnally minded, he can cause you great pain and sorrow in life.