This is the day, which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24, King James Version).
Above, we find the testimony of a man who knows wisdom, that knows what is true and what is right to do about the truth. God makes every day we wake up to! Neither the devil nor man made that day!!! God makes all days, and from what we know about God, we are sure that He made every day good for us, (James 1:17)
You might have seen wrong, seen evil, other than good in some days; it still does not change the fact that God has made that day. If we realize that He actually made that day, even though Joy was not in it, He can yet work everything for our good concerning that day in which we have not seen His Joy, (Romans 8:28). Many things cause men not to see Joy as intended by God in a day. Some of these are carelessness concerning that day by not committing that day unto God’s Hands, disobedience, ignorance etc.
The fact remains however that God still makes each day and it is His intention that we rejoice and be glad in every day that He gives us the opportunity to see, because they are blessed of Him for us to have joy in them!!! So beloved, as you take each of your upcoming days upon the earth, enter into it with the persuasion that God has made it. If God has indeed made your day it could only mean that if you let Him, He is in control of it, for just as you know all about whatever you make, so God knows about every day since he made it, and so is in control of it.
You need to therefore enter each day with a confidence that your day is under the control and influence of God, therefore the day can only end in joy and gladness. If God has made your day, and things go wrong for whatever reason, since He is in control, since He knows the origin of the day, He can manipulate it and cause things to begin to go right again since He made that day.
Beloved, when things are not going according to your plan or expectation, pause and speak to God who made the day and ask Him to work things right afresh and you can be sure, at the end the Joy of God for your day shall manifest. So as you take each of your days this week, whether you have money or not, whether physical conditions show favor or not, declare unto it, This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Surely if you do and believe, rejoicing and gladness will be yours; you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living just like David declared “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” and later testified I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (Psalms 27:13). David actually saw God’s goodness because of His mindset that brought the former declaration.
May you see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in Jesus name!